
Now that I've lulled you all into a false sense of security....

...I can continue my blogging without your intense scrutiny of my work. Behold, many months will likely pass before you again read my blog, for until this time you've checked and checked and rechecked and there's never anything new. But one day, perhaps a day such as June 23rd 2005, you will check my blog, and find thousands upon thousands of new entries. Entries which were entered while you were not checking frequently. That will be a wonderful day indeed....


Brian said...

Write something interesting!

joelman said...

Ah, I see you have fallen into the "I haven't blogged in so long so the only thing that I can think to blog about is the fact that I haven't blogged in a while" phase... but you'll get out of it. Eventually, something spectacular will lead you to begin writing in earnest, just the way Pepys did for 9 years and then his diary got published a few hundred years later and is now a towering work of historical documentation.